Friday, June 24, 2011

The Countdown Continues...

We're under 2 months now!!!

Today, I feel like I wish the surgery were tomorrow - I just want it over with at this point! I found a new blog of somebody who had the surgery.

I find a lot of people who have an underbite and get double jaw surgery, but I read less about people with an overbite who get the surgery. I wonder if having an underbite is more difficult, or if it makes you want the surgery more for cosmetic reasons? I'm interested to read about someone who had an overbite & hear what they have to say about breathing after the surgery - I've been told mine will improve, so I'm just curious. Anyway, here's her site:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Last 2 Ortho Appointments Before the Surgery

Today I scheduled my last two orthodontic appointments before the surgery. One is a month before to get everything set up, and then one is the morning before the surgery to have "hooks" put in - whatever that means, I'm trying not to think about it.

It's weird to have that brought in, it's sort of making it a little more real... the surgery is coming - in 2 months. Which probably feels like a long time on that side of the blog, but I'm here to tell you that on this side, it's feeling super soon!

This experience has also told me that Einstein's theory of relativity needed one more tweak. Not just for variable motion, but for variable volition. The closer the surgery (anticipated date) gets, the more slowly AND more quickly time moves. More slowly because I want it to get here soon to get it over with, and more quickly because I want to stall because I'm scared. So there you have it, my brilliant addition to Einstein's theory of relativity.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weirdest Coincidence

The guy who works in the cubicle right next to mine also had orthognathic surgery done, in 1998 - weird, right? Wait! It gets weirder! He had the same surgeon as I do, Dr. Voorhees.