My right cheek (maxilla) still feels a little weird. The best adjective I could ever come up with was "loose" but today Dr. Voorhees mentioned the word "spongy", which I agree with. Every time I mention it, though, he doesn't seem that concerned, which means one of two things: 1) it's actually not a big deal and I'm just being "Beth" about it or 2) it's something that he would worry about if there was anything to be done about it, but since there's nothing really to do... eh.
I also got all of my X-Rays today from post-surgery, because tomorrow I go to the *dun dun dun* dentist. For the first time in a long time... I know, I know, it's bad to not go every six months, but I've had so may other mouth appointments in the past year and a half, I just couldn't bring myself to inflict more pain than was strictly necessary. But now it's gotten to the point where my teeth are gonna be really gross when I get my braces off if I don't start shaping up (they might already be, but I guess I should try to not make it any worse).
Before and after x-rays (for your enjoyment). The biggest difference I see is the airway - it's so much bigger after the surgery

It's a weird realization that things are actually starting to wind down with all this craziness. I guess when I'm in the throes of something, it must be some kind of defense mechanism to get it into my head that it will never ever ever end. Because then you're not always the kid in the back seat whining "Are we there yet?" It's like, intellectually I like to know the limits, the times and approximate dates and durations, but emotionally, I just hunker down like it's going to be that way for the rest of my life. But now it's becoming very clear that this will not be for the rest of my life. In fact, I have a feeling that I'll be able to get the braces off sometime next summer. Then, this whole thing will just be a distant memory... I wish I could go back in time and give 3-days-out Beth a hug and tell her that everything turns out OK. That, and to pay attention to the right maxilla...