Almost a day and a half out. Still pretty miserable. Jared says my swelling isn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be, but I still refuse to look at myself, so I don't freak myself out more than neccesary. I've been really diligent with keeping ice on it and not talking too much and I think that's helping alot. Because it took me so long to come out of the anesthesia, and because the anti-naseau drugs made me so sleepy, we're probably not going to get to leave until tomorrow. I hope the insurance is reasonable about that. We're taking lots of pictures so I'll look at them eventually. I had both jaws done, the upper one is definitely more uncomfortable. I feel super congested and swollen. The lower is a little, though no big deal. Although it does sometimes feel like I"m biting my cheeks. The most exciting part of today? I can already feel a difference in my breathing! Yay! I've even graduated to a clear liquid diet - so far I've had 2 cups of broth and 1 cup of applesauce.
from Jared
Beth has been really calm about the whole thing and I'm super proud of her. I think my nerves are finally starting to calm which is good. I developed a skin rash here at the Hospital that I can only attribute to stress but it's going away now. I'll be glad to get home tomorrow.
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