Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 15: 2 week checkup

A profile shot while sitting normally (not pushing chin forward)

I had my 2 week checkup with Dr. Voorhees. Everything looks great, and next Wednesday, he will remove the bite splint!! Of course, on Thursday I have to have some kind of palate retainer put in, but it won't be as bad as the splint. I'm still wearing all three rubber bands (1 on each side and 1 smack in the middle), but they're not awful now that I change them myself, so I can take them off to eat.

A gross picture with food in my teeth... but smiling :)
I went to visit some friends and work & get my access card that I had left on my desk (I do that a lot...) so that I can go in tonight to do some stuff without having to talk to everyone... and we chatted for awhile while I was wearing my bands, and wow, my jaw muscles were not happy about that. It feels almost on the verge of cramping, but not quite that bad. But they have to get used to it eventually, because that's the new bone structure. So, I try to move my mouth around a lot because I figure the faster the muscles acclimate, the faster I won't have to wear the bands anymore...

Jared has convinced me I need to get a little exercise today so we're going for a walk - bye!

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