Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 462: Free at Last!

This is a short update cause I'm on my phone, but... the braces are off! Yesterday I went and they popped those suckers right off of my teeth. For those of you playing along at home, I'd had the braces for about 900 days (not including the time I had them as a kid), so it's a big relief.

Getting braces off is relatively simple, but it kinda hurts. And when they pull out the power tools to get the glue off, that kinda really hurts. But, all worth it in the end. I'm enjoying my two days of absolute freedom before I go in tomorrow and get my non-permanent appliances (yes plural, of course my retainer situation would be complicated). Best part of yesterday? Flossing! Flossing with braces is a nightmare, I hated it, so that's my favorite thing right now. More updates after tomorrow! Xo Beth

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