Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 7: Ugh

Today, I started out feeling great. I didn't need to take any pain meds last night or this morning, and I was feeling super focused, I worked for like 6 hours, it was great. I figured I had awesome powers of healing or something...

And then it hit the fan. Jared arrived home at about 3:30 to me curled up in a little ball in my green chair, having just taken 2 ibuprofen and being really sick to my stomach. Then, given my reaction to pretty much any medication, I didn't see him again until he was leaving at 5:20, because I was sleeping like a pebble (baby rock).  I then promptly took my nausea meds, ate some dinner, and then take my other kind of pain meds, and now I feel fine. Probably planning to pass out in an hour or two.

But, lesson definitely learned: I do not recover from major surgery involving my mouth (and therefore affecting my eating and breathing) in a week.  Unfortunately.

Second lesson learned: instead of trying to get food into my mouth past 3 rubber bands, I just carefully note where they are placed, and then take them off, eat, and then slip them back on.

Third lesson learned: if you turn your phone off after having surgery, you will turn it back on to find 22 voicemails waiting for you...

I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so we'll see how I'm feeling after that. I hate the feeling that pain meds give me, but I hate feeling sick much more, so from now on I think I'll just stick to the schedule until the swelling is almost all gone. I can't tell a difference from yesterday, so I guess it's declining more slowly, which sucks, but in theory it's going down.

In other news, I have a really nice excuse for staying inside and blasting the AC all day. Otherwise I would have had to feel 10-15% guilty for not moving around out-of-doors.


p.s. thanks to my work friends for the beautiful flowers! a really nice surprise.

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