Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 9: So fresh and so clean... clean

Today was pretty good, as far as days recovering from surgery go. Tonight was the first time I felt like I could shower without any in-house supervision (although I did text Jared "come help if I don't text back in 30m"). AND I even felt like shaving my legs... so I think that's good news about my gradual return to the land of the living.

The worst part about showering is that my cheeks are still numb from just above my jaw line to about the middle of my eyeballs. "The middle of my eyeballs?" you ask - that's weird of you to know BUT I know that because I can feel my top eyelids, but not the bottom ones. So, washing my face is difficult, because I don't want to press to hard and squish my eyeballs, but I also don't want to get soap in my eyes, like I did last time, so... it's a delicate balance. But so far, no squished eyeballs, so I think that's the most important part.

Also, I ate spaghetti today! And paid dearly, but that's besides the point. When you can't eat anything you want to eat, it is basically all you can think about. So since like, Saturday, I guess, when I started feeling better, I have been thinking non-stop about several food items that I cannot wait to eat again. After I get full use of my jaw again I'm probably going to gain, like, 15 pounds, and contrary to what I read, I don't think I've lost more than maybe 5 pounds since I've had the surgery.  So anyway, I've been missing chips, and sweet stuff, and the biggest one, spaghetti, because spaghetti is pretty much my favorite food.  Well, today, Jared was at work, and I caved. I called Mangia and had them deliver spaghetti, and then I cut it up into a billion little pieces and tried to eat it while chewing as little as possible. But in the end, it made my jaw hurt really bad, and I had to take 2 ibuprofen and pass out with the heating pad on my face as soon as I was done, but I had my spaghetti.

I didn't do very much work today, after yesterday I figured I should take it easy. My boss was really nice about it (and I don't think they have this blog address, so I'm not sucking up). She even offered to move some stuff to next week that's actually time-sensitive, but I had already set it up before I left, so that was good. They've been really nice about the whole thing, about me being out of the office for so long, so that's been a real blessing.

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